Sunday, 14 September 2014

Are We Losing Our Seasons?

Should the industry reign in the fashion seasons to match with the actual seasons?
Let us enjoy oversized parkas and fur trimmed hats through winter, before the idea of shorts and summer holidays are thrust upon us.

Fashion is changing every season and with each one, comes new collections and new graphics. Summer is not yet officially over with last minute heat waves expected but A/W is already in full force in the shops and has been for weeks.

Through work placements and creating my own work, I understand the amount of hours and man power that go into each collection; therefore it's not surprising the preparation for each season needs to happen months and sometimes even years in advance. Is the promotion of which necessary such a distance ahead?

Surely if the next seasons collections were shown at the end of the current, there would be less stress and demand for the designers and their teams, and would allow the very face of fashion, which is the general public to enjoy the season they're currently in.

Fashion month has started, and with the collections of S/S15 being cast upon social media, I already feel the need to be checking the catwalks for the latest trends, to ensure when spring does come around, I'm not left behind the rest of the fashion pack. In reality I should be beginning to pack up my shorts and pull out my transitional autumn wardrobe for when it starts to cool off but instead it’s got me lusting after next year’s sun and the trends that come with that!


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