Friday, 1 January 2016

New Year Resolutions


January 1st is always the day of the resolution and this year I've decided to take them seriously and by posting them on the internet for the world to see, there will be no forgetting about them before February comes.


Instead of the standard losing weight resolution, this year I'm going for health.
The past year has been a painful battle with illness and migraines and looking back over 2015 and how much I missed out or was held back because of this, is incredibly disappointing, so this year I am setting out to get to the bottom of the problem with or without doctors help, by switching everything up! For the first time I'm going to be researching everything I eat so that I can know for sure that everything that goes into my body is only going to benefit me! Not enough people make their health a priority, me included, but after the last few years I'm determined that when it comes, I will exit 2016 feeling the best I ever have. And if I happen to be a couple of pounds lighter.. you wont find me complaining!


Forever Styling is my next big resolution. I get so much joy out of posting whether it being styling shoots, wishlists or beauty posts. But if my life gets hectic its the first thing that gets thrown to the back seat, and being that it brings me such happiness and excitement through creating content, I don't want that to happen any longer. I've written lists, oh so many lists of content and outfits and segments of posts so I've set aside evenings and days off each dedicated to writing and shooting. Organisation is key, and that's something I'm determined to improve on this year!


Self-hosted. It's a scary word, but one I'm planning on becoming familiar with. I don't think I can throw myself fully in the deep end and create my own piece of the internet single handedly just yet, as I'm just not one for grasping the tech sides of these things but I'm a big believer in learning from others. I'm going to find a helpful soul who will get me up on my feet and show me the ropes. I'm so excited at the prospect of controlling every tiny detail of Forever Styling, instead of being bound by a host site. As in my last resolution Forever Styling is going to be at the forefront of this year and this is just another exciting step to get me on my way!


This year I'm rediscovering my passions. At college I was told so often to focus on just one thing, that some of my passions have been lost along the way. For years I wanted to be in make up, and as soon as I got into fashion and photography, printing and jewellery were other great loves of mine, but it got ignored, which saddens me. After years of focusing solely on fashion I've decided to scale it back and bring the others into the foreground. My make up and brush collections is growing by the month and I'm perfecting techniques I never thought I would be able to create. I've bought enough screen printing mesh to cover a house and my wire and beads are at the ready!
I'm so blooming excited to get creative again that the days can't come quick enough!!


My last resolution is to weekly rid my room of clutter. It's crazy how much stress a mess can create.
I sleep better, I study better and I've even noticed a difference in my moods, how could I not keep a resolution like that! A second part of this resolution is to fill my room with green plants and fresh flowers, I've never been able to be sad whilst looking at a beautiful bloom.


Here's to a happy and healthier New Year!

What are your resolutions for 2016?


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