Monday, 23 May 2016

Finding My Motivation

It's been a rocky couple of weeks for Forever Styling, my energy hit the floor and the pages are looking a little bare.

I do love my blog though, so to re-find my motivation I began trawling the Internet. It's known that the blogging world is becoming more and more saturated. People wanting to share their passions and post about things they love, which is not necessarily a bad thing!
It means that there are so many more people and blog's to inspire you and help you find your mojo (Austin Powers who..).

Therefore to get myself back into the swing of things I've put together my personal guide to the bloggers I find most inspirational..

So incredibly jealous and admiring of her life, spanning the divide between high street and high end, she has the wardrobe we all want (and need!). Full of beautiful images and inspirational words, In The Frow has been a favourite of mine for years. She covers a great span of genres and writes about everything with such passion that that starts to become infectious! Her blog pushes me to take more time and care over my photographs!


Kristina's wardrobe is my designer wishlist. Kayture is my day dream blog, where I go when I want to believe my life could be full of jet setting and the most incredible wardrobe! She's covered magazines, endless campaigns and has her own book. She is the epitome of blogging success! Kayture pushes my blogging goals to the extreme but she proves they are possible!


Megan's posts are always so open and honest about life, reading her posts I often feel more that I'm listening to a friend than reading from a screen. She does the personal post's in such a way that stops you being shy about it! Combined with beautiful photography and personal shoots this blog is one of my top bookmarked! Wonderful You always makes me realise that personal life posts enhance a blog, motivating me to be more forthcoming with life!


The girl next door of the blogging world, she's the blogger you could imagine being your best friend. I first found her through her fitness posts and those killer abs keep my exercise regime on track (jealousy!). Fashion posts full of super cute outfits and frank chats about life, I head here when I'm looking for daily inspo! She's a wonderful reminder that self confidence is so important!


Rocking serious style her outfits are at the foremost of most of her posts and I don't blame her. I have a serious style crush on this lady. She's so relateable through her writing and the topics she chooses that I can't stop coming back to her blog! Megan makes me realise when I'm stuck in a wardrobe rut, not mixing it up enough and not taking enough risks, so I always end up rethinking and injector some fun!

Who motivates you to do better and/or be your best?

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