Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Back To Blogging

How time flies..

The last five months seem to have been a bit of a blur and I'm not too sure whether the days have moved on extremely quickly or I've simply been asleep.

When I put up my post on August 1st I didn't think that it would be the last one for five and a half months but life seems to have got the better of me.

I had to put myself first, to reevaluate and learn a few things; like the importance of turning my phone off and getting into bed early, making myself finish that bottle of water (even though water is boring as hell) and the importance of prioritising. There's been some breakthroughs and there's been some changes and if you're interested where I've been, or just being nosy, then there is a little summary of my recent life happenings below..


I'm a working gal now don't you know. I have finally run from the tea room, fledged my wings and found myself what I class as my first 'proper job'. A step on a career ladder, a 9-5, Monday to Friday, number filled activity that at the end of the month allows me to buy all the shoes I could wish for! Finance is scary, and although I'm still early on in my studies, it's going well and I don't think I'm a complete novice..


For the majority of 2016 I had been feeling very unwell, and trying to find out why seemed to be getting me no where but suddenly, a few months ago, out of the blue we finally had a breakthrough. Although to begin with there were a lot of daunting words being thrown around, followed by lots of needles (and lots of fainting), it was followed by relief that there was something that could be done and now it seems that everything is finally hitting its stride and things are improving. I feel so much better than what I did and although I still have a long road ahead to get me to 100%, we have a plan in place and I have every faith the improvements will continue!!


Finally, over these months, my outlook on life has changed, I feel more positive, more excited and just more happy! Alex and I are still loved up and have started saving for our first home. The majority of shopping I have been doing recently is home ware and our future kitchen is already looking pretty exciting!
I've also started a new hobby; my calligraphy pen is my new best friend and it's been so empowering being creative again. I'm spending ages in art shops fondling paper and my desk is already getting stocked with lots of pens and beautiful inks!

I think I have calligraphy to thank for relighting my creative spark that has led me back to my little part of the internet..

Have you had anything life changing happen so far this year?


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