Saturday, 4 March 2017

Tweezerman Tweezers

There comes a point in any craft that no matter how skilled you are, if you're lacking in the tools department then the end product is never going to be as good as you hope.

Of the small amount of sparsely filled blonde brows that I have, I like to think that I have become fairly accomplished at mastering a good outcome. But whenever I tried to give them a little spruce up my tweezers just never quite got what I was after. You would think, that some point within these struggles, the idea would have entered my mind to get myself a new pair, as it turns out I have had the same pair for about 10 years.. Yes I am hanging my head in shame, but it wasn't until I was failing to remove my boyfriends ever increasing brows (sorry honey) that I finally agreed it was time to treat myself, and Alex, to a shiny new pair.

I don't think tweezers are a very large industry but a name I certainly know is Tweezerman so I went straight there for my new pair and they certainly haven't disappointed.
There is nothing I hate more than the skin around my eyebrows being anything other than silky smooth as otherwise for me, I feel my foundation collects and sits in an unsightly mess, which is just not the look I'm hoping for.
I love an eyebrow wax but there is always a time period when the hair is just too short or fine to book that appointment, but I no longer have to worry about this. The precision of these tips is immaculate, obviously there is some hand eye coordination skills involved but once you have this mastered and you're away, you'll be ditching the beauty salons visits for good!

I still can't believe it took me so long to replace my old pair and I'm so glad the new ones have far exceeded my expectations! I'm now going to work my way through the rest of beauty collection and replace anything else that is a bit beyond its time!

Have you had a beauty tool way longer than you should have?
Replaced anything recently and are amazed at the results?


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